Judy Austin after adding Yul Edochie’s name to her name confidently made a post claiming she understands that a lot of people on the gram are jobless and that means most of them are really frustrated as she prays God fixes them.
Some of these trolls who felt offended by her post have replied to that by dragging her into the mud for getting married to someone’s husband and asking if men got finished that she has to shamelessly settle for someone’s husband.
This marriage of Judy Austin and Yul Edochie is something most fans on the gram are against and she has made things worse by insulting them for being jobless, angry, and frustrated and that has got her dragged all over again.
We believe this post of Judy Austin is a reply to those who were dragging her over her previous post of adding her husband’s name to her name and shamelessly showing the world that she belongs forgetting she broke another woman’s home.
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