Vacs, the Ghanaian producer, engages in a conversation with Kojo Manuel on the MAD Culture show. Exploring his background, Vacs discussed the beginnings of...
Renowned event MC, Hypeman and Presenter Kojo Manuel releases a fire song ‘Vibration’. The award-winning MC after having a successful 2022, shutting down events...
The curators and owners of the brand ‘Afrochella‘, Culture Management Group took an exciting trip to South Africa themed ‘Road to Afrochella‘ ‘Road to...
The well-known festival Afrochella heads to South Africa for its maiden edition after successfully establishing the brand in Ghana. Culture Management Group organizers of...
On Saturday October 15, 2022 Ghana’s biggest and craziest beach event Tidal Rave Festival took place at the Luxury Beach inside Kokrobite. The return...
The Culture Management Group organizers of Afrochella on Friday 9th Sepetember 2022 released the complete list for this year’s major event happening on the...